go beyond!!
it works..!
At ,99 degrees the water is hot
At ,100 degrees the water boils.
The boiling water releases steam.
The steam can push a locomotor engine.
The difference is just 1 degree.
Going that extra mile is going beyond.
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them to the impossible.
Believe you can. You are halfway there.
There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.
Via your talents you can go beyond the limits.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has limits.
We are all potential butterflies not caterpillars for ever.
Always look beyond what you can see…..cooper
Look beyond yourself…. Jackson
Wisdom is an Awakening
We, the go beyonders relentlessly the mindset of voters through our video presentations to:
Impart education to voters on governance,
voter rights and duties to build an informed society.
use communication tools to prepare responsible citizens who will contribute to the sustainable, economically stable Telangana. Through video presentations transform one and all in controlling corruption, alcoholism, caste and religion bias.
encourage youth to be part of nation building which begins right from parenting. Revive the lifeline of the Indian economy - the agriculture, I.T, and native industries. Promote all citizen friendly state and central welfare schemes to reach all eligible citizens. Women entrepreneurship, through self-help groups including cow economy. Suggesting ingenious reforms as work in progress and close follow up for execution.
establishment of civil societies in each mandal
to escalate public grievances to government. An emerging Telangana with full of happiness, health, jobs, atma nirbharatha to be the dream of all Telangana people.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others” ….Gandhiji