Upcoming Events: 1.Citizen Enlightenment initiative 2. Mirchi Bajji - YouTube Channel Launch 3. Group meeting for Civil Society enthusiasts to monitor the needs in each Mandal in Telangana

The Go Beyond team is in favour of establishing Civic societies in each Mandal or in Assembly constituency to start with. A detailed proposal will be drafted and submitted to the centre for consideration.

A Civil Society is a non-state, not-for-profit, voluntary entities formed by people in the social sphere that are separate from the State and the market. CSOs represent a wide range of interests and ties. They can include community-based organizations as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Civil society organizations play multiple roles. They are an important source of information for both citizens and government. They monitor government policies and actions and hold government accountable. They engage in advocacy and offer alternative policies for government, the private sector, and other institutions.

State and civil society are closely related to each other. The state cannot be imagined without civil society, and civil society cannot be thought of without the state. The two exist in integrative relationships. The state, in democratic systems, protects civil society and civil society strengthens the state.

In short, civil society is a key player in creating the conditions for the realization of human rights. It promotes human rights discourse that validates rights norms, particularly by including devalued and invisible groups.

Civil society in India is seen as a key player to develop and scale innovative models of change. Given the diverse range and scope of CSOs, they have a unique strength to pilot test models, share good practices, and replicate through example.

The function of civil society is to act as a link between the state and its society. In any society, there are needs that the state is unable or unwilling to meet, so civil society steps in and provides necessary aid such as food distribution, medical services, legal advice, and disaster relief.